
Hey! I'm Akari, a web developer, designer and artist.

Drop me a line

Web development & Graphic design

My latest projects

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Web development with WordPress. Content writing in English, French and Spanish. Content updates. Google Analytics configuration.

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Responsive web development, content writing in English and Spanish. Multimedia contents. Facebook Page and blog set up. Analytics & Hosting.

Web design & Marketing
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Responsive web development with Bootstrap. Content writing in English, Spanish and French. Image edition with photoshop. Web maintenance. Google analytics set up.

Web development

Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties.

Erich Fromm

The meaning of Akari is for Hana-akari (花明かり) – flower lights. When the cherry blossom is in full bloom, the vivid color makes the darkness look much brighter than normal.

Recent Posts

The latest trends, tutorials on SEO, marketing & web designing + guides on meditation/mindfulness.



Feb 23, 2020

Yi Jin Jing is a method to develop strong and flexible muscles and tendons. It is therefore also called “Muscle and Tendon Change Classic”.

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Laptop SEO

SEO Posicionamiento Natural en Buscadores

May 24, 2018

¿Cómo decidir las palabras de posicionamiento web? ¿Qué tipo de contenido consigue que la gente lo comparta?

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Live in your present

May 11, 2018

“I finally realized that I can’t make anybody else happy. I can only share my happiness or my sorrow with someone else. It’s not in my power to make another person happy.”

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What do I like to do?

Web Design & Development

Responsive web design with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.


Search Engine Optimization.

Digital Marketing

Marketing & Social Media.

Graphic Design

Beautiful design.

Pills of Wisdom